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Case study


In Lund 22 young people between the age of 12 and 21 participated in 2 weeklong workshops in August before the school year started. The participant’s feeling was as a more extended summer break/vacation, a way to meet each other, be together and have the opportunity to be seen and heard in the place where most of them live.

Key to the creative process:

The participants have experienced visual art through museums visits, artists’ talks, and visual art analysis, which allowed them to get close to the visual art language and a key to open the door to the creative process.

Different techniques:

The youngsters have worked with different artistic languages and techniques, such as graffiti, linoleum printing, acrylic painting and urban sketches to express their feeling of belonging. 



August the 2nd (Monday) to August the 7th (Saturday).

Every day from 10 to 18.

4 workshops

2 artists invited as workshops leaders


August the 9th (Monday) to August 13th (Friday). 

Every evening from 17 to 19. The participant will choose individually what technique and the topic  they want to work with. 

The 2 weeks block was planned as a way to gather participants together before the school start (in Sweden the 3rd week of August).

Both lunch and cake breaks were important factors for the success of the activities since they encourage the interaction between the participants.

Click on the button below to see the program of activities.



All the artworks  created by the participants displayed in the exhibition The Art of Belonging from February the 12th to April the 17th at the museum Kulturen in the town of Lund.







Case study: Welcome
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