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Cultural Identity and Collage: Image
Cultural Identity and Collage: Text
Inspired by nationalities and cultures of the group
Cultural Identity and Collage: Text
Workshop Description
Participants will be able to share where they come from by creating a national or cultural flag and adding it to a map. They will also share something about themselves or their cultures. This activity introduced the medium of collage and is a useful early workshop to get to know everyone in the group.
Cultural Identity and Collage: Text
Workshop Aims
1. Explore the origins of the group by creating an installation of a map covered in flags
2. Celebrate the cultures of group members by creating a collage of a cultural object or landscape.
Cultural Identity and Collage: Text
Workshop Activities
1. Each participant has a small piece of blank card. They are invited to look through the boxes of coloured papers, which they can then cut and stick to create a flag to represent their country of origin, identity or ethnic group.
2. Each flag is placed on a large map of the world and connected to the country using a piece of string. The make up of the group can be seen as a temporary installation.
3. Participants are next invited to select more coloured papers and create a collage of a landscape, house or special object that shares something about themselves or their heritage.
​4. Finish by sharing each participant’s collage and if they feel comfortable they can say what it is of and why it is important to them. ​​​​​
Cultural Identity and Collage: Text
​Materials Required
selection of boxes full of interesting papers, fabrics, wrappers, etc: organised by colour.
small pieces of plain card
large map of the world
A4 pieces of plain card
Cultural Identity and Collage: Text
We learned during the flag making section of this activity that it is important to encourage participants to create the flag they feel represents them, not just the country they come from, as some groups may feel more represented by a flag that is not recognised as a nationality. For instance Kurdish people who are persecuted within the countries who dominate their traditional territories. Also Palestinians and Tibetans.
Cultural Identity and Collage: Text
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